We are back home from a fabulous weekend at the Arabica in Frankfurt. Our little boy KB Zento (Makisa Adaggio x Kar Zarzarrosa) participated in his very first show – and he was classwinner yearling colts with the highest points of all colts and GOLD CHAMPION at the National C-Show! And he even had the highscore 10 for movement! We couldn’t be happier! A huge thank you to my dearest Mary Lang of Specifically Equine Training Center for the great presentation and to Conny and Michelle Lyall for taking such good care of him – and of me…. And of course to Antonie stürminger-Werner who trained Zento together with Mary to his success!
Aachen Abha Hamir Abha Harim All Nations Cup Amir Ashiraf Amir Ashiraff Araberschauseminar Araberzucht arabian horse news Arabian horses Arabian Horse Show Arabian horse show Bairactar Memorial Marbach Breeder´s Cup Deauville Ecaho Elitestute Elran Cup Europachampionat European Championship Hamadi Arabians Ittenwiller Jazzmeen Kar Zarzarrosa Kauber Platte KB Zaraguel KB Zento Makisa Adaggio Mary Lang Salon du Cheval Salzkotten Schauseminar Schweizer Beständeschau Ses Planes spanische araber spanish arabians Specifically Equine Training Verona Vervaldee Vollblutaraber Weltchampionat worldchampionships Zafarina ZarzarrosaArtikel
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