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Tag Archives: worldchampionships
AJ Sawahi, Kahil al Shaqab, CR Jasmeenah and Marquis CA are the winners of the worldchampionship for arabian horses 2011
The arabian horse worldchampions 2011 are: AJ Sawahi, Kahil al Shaqab, CR Jasmeenah and Marquis CA. The leading sires of this years competition were once again Gazal al Shaqab and his son Marwan al Shaqab. Magora, a daughter of Gazal, was silver champion senior … Continue reading
World Championships of Arabian horses in Paris 2011 – results of the female qualifications
From 9th to 11th of december the most beautiful arabian horses of the world competed in Paris for the titel “Worldchampion 2011”. The first day is usually the days of the competition for the fillies and mares. The best female … Continue reading